We couldn't keep people's hands off of these - they were gone in SECONDS - so be sure to make plenty of extra....even for those who 'don't like dessert'. Trust us.
Cut Da Carb wraps
1 package of sugar free vanilla pudding (we use Simply Delish )
1 cup of heavy whipping cream
4 tablespoons of mascarpone cheese (soft)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 T of powdered erythritol (we use Swerve ) + more for sprinkling
Avocado oil for frying
1/2 cup - 1 cup of sugar free white chocolate (we are OBSESSED with Chocozero )
- Cut your Cut Da Carb wraps into approx. 5-6" rounds (we literally measured the top of a cream cheese lid and it was a perfect size)
- Use a metal cannoli cylinder and wrap your cut da carb around it (you can also just wrap some foil into a cylinder, that's what we did!)
- Heat avocado oil over med-high heat on a skillet (enough to make a shallow pool for 'deep frying')
- Once hot fry the wrapped Cut Da Carb roll, seam side down, and hold down with tongs a bit, then turn once browned and brown the other side (tin foil stays in the cannoli the entire time). Frying is a very fast process and you should do the cannolis 1 or 2 at a time. Add more oil as you go.
- Let all cannoli's cool on paper towel. As they cool carefully remove the foil from each one.
- Melt white chocolate chips over water bath.
- Once melted, use tongs and dip each end of your cannoli's in the white chocolate. Set aside to cool.
Make 1 package of Simply Delish vanilla pudding according to instructions on the packaging.
In a separate bowl, whip the heavy whipping cream, mascarpone, vanilla, and 1 T of confectioner's Swerve. Whip for a couple minutes until stiff peaks form.
Add whipped cream mixture to the pudding. DO NOT ADD IT ALL. The pudding should outweigh the whip cream mixture by about 25%. Fold together and taste - if you want it to taste lighter than that, you can add whip to taste. We like there to be a bit more pudding than whipped cream.
Put cream mixture into a piping bag and fill each cannoli.
Store in the fridge until served! Then sift powdered sugar over each cannoli.
